Savage Times by Terry Oakes – The sequel to The Murder Men
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A new book by internationally renowned illustrator, Terry Oakes.
*contains mature content*
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Standard version – £14.00
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SAVAGE TIMES is the long awaited follow up to THE MURDER MEN, in which a motley cast of characters – killers, call girls, gamblers, sexual deviants, sadistic enforcers, and fringe, ne’er-do-well villains – vie for position and status in a world of corrupt politics and organised crime.
Enter, ex-Detective Inspector, Kenneth Michael ‘Doc’ Savage – subsequent to being dismissed from service for a racial attack on a complete stranger he believed had raped his wife – who is now seeking vengeance, not only for that, but also for the torture and horrific murder of a young woman in his care, the consequences of which lead towards a climax that is as unexpected as it is shocking.
Littered with mind bending tableaus of violence and disturbing, extreme sadomasochistic events, couple with viscerally described deaths, SAVAGE TIMES is a one way descent into the dark oblivion of a modern society that is both unforgiving and morally inverted. Somewhere where greed and malfeasance are respected and rewarded, while honesty and compassion are indifferently dismissed, either as a weakness or as an irrelevance.
Book two in The Murder Men trilogy.
Paperback: 689 pages
Publisher: Interbooks/Intercept Studios
Language: English
ISBN: 979-8567228203